Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ode to Grandma

Considering the glamorous lifestyle described by Pics of Me in Front Stuff it may be hard to believe that Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is really the work of a single person in New Jersey who has a real life.  It's true and about a month ago the real world intruded on the persistent globe trotting described here when the last living grandparent and Official Grandma of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff passed away.  The family congregated in the small town in Central Pennsylvania where she had spent the last of her 87 years on a sunny April day to pay their last respects to her.  These were the Official Thoughts of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff while riding home in the backseat of the Official Mom of Pic's of Me in Front of Stuff's car.  I added the Alan Jackson quote later just because I felt like it fit even if Grandma was never a Small Town Southern Man.

'He said his greatest contribution
Is the ones you leave behind'
- Alan Jackson, Small Town Southern Man

Today was Grandma's funeral and despite consistent grumblings from her children while she was alive, I know they all loved her.  When I was asked about my favorite memory of her nothing specific sprung to mind.  I remember her old house on Museum Road in Reading.  I remember building blocks on her coffee table in her TV room.  Her cookie jar.  The tire swing in her backyard which was hung when my mom and dad were still married over 20 years ago.  I'll never forget the pants suit she wore every time I visited her.  Gray suit and black shirt.  She was buried in that outfit and I do not think there was a single stitch of clothing that could have served as a better choice.
What sticks out in my mind the most about Grandma is what she made.  Aunt Joan started off her eulogy talking about grandma baking cookies and apple pies.  Her meat loaf was legendary.  She was also a wizard with cross-stitch and crocheting.  All 7 of her grandchildren got a blanket when they were born.  I have multiple afghans that she made.  One of my favorite gifts I have ever received is the blanket she made for my 18th birthday.  It was the last one she ever made.  It's a warm and beautiful blanket that I think multiple ex-girlfriends would have considered stealing if I ever dated evil women.  It makes me smile to think of the amount of effort she needed to make that blanket.  But that's how grandma showed her love.  I will not lay claim to having the best grandmother ever.  But like the song says she knew her greatest contribution would be in the ones she left behind and she helped to make a great family.  There are the clear successes of her son Bill, the renowned biologist, and her grandson Mike, the corporate VP of an international manufacturer.  There is the close-knit family of Ted and Joan who have 2 children, one of them Mike above, and 4 grandchildren.  And there is my mom the resilient woman without whom I would not be sitting here right now.  I'd be remiss not to mention all of my cousins but each of them is living a life in their way that they can be proud of.  Her family was her greatest product and the one of which she was most proud.  What we should always remember is that it takes a lot of love to make something great and grandma's love helped to make a great family.
Here's a picture of most of her grandchildren to prove it.
Grandma, We love you.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Boston Red Sox 5, Philadelphia Phillies 0 - Citizens Bank Ballpark - Philadelphia, PA

There have been 223 no-hitters in Major League Baseball since the modern era of baseball began in 1900.  Pitchers for the Philiies have thrown 9 no-hitters.  Kevin Millwood was the last Phillies pitcher to do it.  The Fightn's have been no-hit17 times the last by Bob Forsch of the St. Louis Cardinals in 1978.  Only 2 have ever been thrown in Interleague play. 
The Mets have never had a single no-hitter in their favor.
Saturday night Pics of Me in Front of Stuff was in Citizens Bank Ballpark as Daisuke Matsuzaka of the Boston Red Sox tried to add one more to those lists. 
That's right, Eat a Dick chronological order.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff will post stuff that happened in April whenever Pics of Me in Front of Stuff wants to.  That includes Opening Day.
Anyway, this guy threw seven and two-thirds of no-hit baseball versus one of the best lineups in baseball.
The picture was taken with the Official Cell Phone of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff hence the poor quality.  That really is Dice-K on the mound out there.  Then Juan Castro went and ruined it.  It was a bittersweet hit because there are approximately two no-hitters on average in a give baseball season.  With 30 teams each playing 162 regular season games that means less than a tenth of a percent of the games are no-hitters in a given season.  Despite it being the Phils getting no-hit, Pics of Me in Front of Stuff could say it was present for a no-hitter.  That would have counted for something.  Instead it was just a 5-0 loss at the hands of the Red Sox.  Bummer.
Following the game there was the usual drunken debauchery and the first Bear Fight of the season at PJ Whelihan's.  Thanks to the Bear Fight the night's festivities are a little hazy.  There is also a new entry in the contacts of Official Cell Phone of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff thanks to Fensty: Amanda0Hug0and0Kiss,  Maybe more on that some other time.  Despite the harsh glare, it is usually not a bad thing that Fensty is watching.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Holy Crap a New Post!

For all of you die-hard Pics of Me in Front of Stuff Readers out there, the rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated...if there were any such rumors.  Life got busy and Pics of Me in Front of Stuff will delve into more detail regarding that at a later date.  Hopefully, that date will be tomorrow.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is being updated to do the Official Second Favorite Activity of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff, Baseball Category- make fun of the New York Mets.
Sorry, Pics of Me in Front Stuff really enjoyed Thursday night's episode of 30 Rock.

Is there a better night of television than Thursday nights on NBC? Pics of Me in Front of Stuff declares there is not.Following Thursday night's hilarity was Friday night's start of MLB's Interleague play.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff will be at Saturday's Game 2 of the Phillies-Red Sox series.
If you somehow missed it, the Yankees are also playing the Mets in what has been dubbed the Subway Series.  CP once asked if the name was related to the chain sandwich restaurant that has Jared as a spokesperson...and she worked in New York City and lived directly across the river from it.  In case, Dear Reader, you missed ESPN's all-encompassing coverage, it's a big least according to ESPN.  Since Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is stationed in north Jersey the Mets-Yankees game was on TWO CHANNELS!   Since the Philadelphia Phillies are the Official Major League Baseball Team of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff, this was worst possible time to eat dinner, the Official 3rd Daily Meal of Pics of Me in Front Stuff, at a local sports bar.  There was only one shining moment.  Both televisions hanging above the bar were turned to the games.  One TV was clearly HD and was slightly ahead in the broadcast of the game.  The slow, ugly television was showing the Mets channel.  Repeat, the slow, ugly television was showing the Mets channel.  The slow, ugly television was showing the Mets channel.  Television imitating art or baseball... or maybe television imitates fanbase... 
You get the point.