Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Orleans Voodoo Museum

There are not many non-Philadelphia related sporting events that make it onto Pics of Me in Front of Stuff but the fact that Pics of Me in Front of Stuff was in New Orleans on December 6, 2009 as the Saints visited Redskins makes this moment worthy of such an 'honor'

Sorry about your luck, Kareem Moore.  Welcome to immediate hero status, Robert Meachem.
If Pics of Me in Front of Stuff were a Redskins fan not only would Pics of Me in Front of stuff be fatter and stupider with a vocabulary limited to grunts and swear words aimed at the television, but also Pics of Me in Front of Stuff would have been disappointed by the outcome of this game. Since moving to New Jersey Pics of Me in Front of Stuff has watched football at multiple sports bar many times and is always astounded at the absurdity that are Redskin fans.  Certainly different from the meathead, Jersey-shore Giants fans or the redneck, asshole Cowboys fans, Redskins fans bring a unique level of dumb-ass  to the table.  It's much easier to deal with the stereotypical Giants/Cowboys fans and their hair gel/sodomy than the unpredictable Timmy from South Park-esque rage observed emanating from many fans of the Washington Redskins.  Maybe it's because the mascot is a racial slur?  There is no clear explanation as to why they are the way they are.  Fortunately, as a relatively 'impartial' observer watching the city of New Orleans get excited as its football team went 12-0 is one of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff's favorite non-Philadelphia related sports memory.  Congratulations, Saints!
But let's move onto more pressing things, like a Picture of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff in front of Jackson Square and St. Louis Cathedral.  Get a load of that man-candy.
Can you believe that guy is currently single?
At the time he wasn't and following the events of the previous evening, Pics of Me in Front of Stuff barely made it to the first half of the Saints game because of CP's hangover.  It was truly a rare occasion where CP was more hungover than me and would be celebrated by some.  In it's current state, Pics of Me in Front of Stuff really does not give a shit so what's really important is what happened when everyone felt good enough to get out of bed: the football game and a visit to the New Orleans Voodoo Museum.  It's unclear whether Marie Leveau, the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, would be pleased about a museum dedicated to her and her craft being featured on Pics of Me in Front of Stuff.  That raises the question, would any historical figure be pleased to be featured on Pics of Me in Front of Stuff?  Given the fair number of graves Pics of Me in Front of Stuff has featured, hopefully the answer is yes though it's probably debatable.
Ooooh, look ladies, it's that man-candy, again. 
Next to the the stud in the aviators is the small set of rooms that contains the New Orleans Voodoo Museum.  The museum is small, but reasonably priced and allows photos.  There is an eclectic mixture of items which seems to embody what Pics of Me in Front of Stuff understands about Louisiana Voodoo.

There are multiple influences that make up the religion including African and Catholic which makes for a very diverse belief system.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is most definitely a fan of Voodoo's willingness to adjust and incorporate whatever it really wants.  No doubt a limited understanding could easily lead to mockery because of what appears to be random items.  But if there is one thing Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is known for it is tolerance and understanding...  It does not matter that those are two things.  Aside from the ecclectic collection the two main rooms of the museum featured two main displays.  The first was the rougarou which is essentially the Louisiana Voodoo version of a werewolf though this one appeared to resemble an alligator-man.
The second was the Voodoo Wishing Stump.

Guess what Pics of Me in Front of Stuff wished for...
It's clear how that worked out. Maybe if Pics of Me in Front of Stuff was not so cheap, maybe the Cowboys would not have kicked the shit out of the Eagles two January weekends in a row...should have put in $0.75.  Maybe next time...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Louisiana - State No. 32

The number of viewers of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff has increased exponentially over the past 6 months.
How does Pics of Me in Front of Stuff know?
Big Brother is watching you in the form of Google Analytics.
According to Google Analytics over 300 people per day access the post about Pics of Me in Front of Stuff's inebriated trip to Baltimore and Towson, MD thanks to the word vagina appearing multiple times.  In response to that large increase in viewership due to discussion of a particular portion of the female anatomy Pics of Me in Front of Stuff has a simple statement: vagina, vagina, vagina, VAGINA!

Now the hits should keep on rolling in!
The following video is both vagina related and hilarious though probably unrelated to anything that might appear further down.
Game Ovaries
Web Redemption2 Girls, 1 Cup ReactionDemi Moore Picture
For those of you looking for more than some Pics of Vagina in Front of Stuff, you may have noticed that a post featuring New Mexico - State No. 33 appeared well before there was ever a post about Louisiana - State No. 33.  Since Louisiana was visited by Pics of Me in Front of Stuff in early December this post is a long time in coming.  Reader, you might have suffered through Arkansas - State No. 31 waiting for the culmination of the excitement that always follows a trip to New Orleans.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff suffered through Arkansas, too.  Seriously, who puts the Great River Road where you can't see the damned river?  Way to go Arkansas, no wonder people from West Virginia make fun of you.
But Pics of Me in Front of Stuff will leave vaginas and Arkansas alone for now, hopefully the latter a lot longer than the former, and move onto Louisiana.
That's french, bitches.  The vaginas love the French...or the French are vaginas...or either way it's Louisiana.
The main reason most people go to Louisiana is New Orleans, the Big Easy.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff likes to pretend it's different than everyone else.   
Look at me, I have a blog.  I like to refer to myself as Pics of Me in Front of Stuff in my blog instead of using the first person.  Aren't I fucking special?!
That's usually what helps Pics of Me in Front of Stuff sleep at night, but truth be told New Orleans was the final destination of the road trip that started oh so long ago in Charleston, SC.  But like every intrepid journey through the wilderness known as Arkansas and most of Louisiana there were a few photo opportunities to be had.  Actually there was only one.  It was the old convenience store in Transylvania, Louisiana.

Who doesn't look bad ass posing with their rented Pontiac G6?
That's right, not everyone gets to pose in Transylvania!
It got a lot more interesting further south when we reached N'awlins.  Some of the photos and videos from the time in New Orleans were too drunk and blurry and possibly adult to share on Pics of Me in Front of Stuff.  It had been a long day of driving and northern Louisiana is not a whole helluva lot more interesting than Arkansas.  Really, the best part was knowing that as night fell Pics of Me in Front of Stuff would eventually reach the end of its journey across the southeastern United States.  
Pics of Me in Front of Stuff eventually found its way to Bourbon Street and the expected debauchery evolved.  New Orleans was not Bear Fights in New Brunswick drunkeness, Towsonian levels of vagina, or Phucked up in Philly levels of being blacked out for Pics of Me in Front of Stuff.  CP often made me look like Bluto from Animal House in comparison.

She was still definitely up for some CP-level partying.  It was still New Orleans so after dinner and a few Hurricanes...
Pics of Me in Front of Stuff eventually found this bar...

Where Pics of Me in Front of Stuff swears they were giving us 3 beers for the price of one. Also at that bar we found this guy...

And really how does any night where that guy is spotted does not equal fun?  There were some beads as you can clearly see from the picture below.
 The band at the bar was good, too. After that everything got rather hazy.
There was another day in New Orleans, but like this first post about Louisiana, that may be months in coming.