Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Night Before Opening Day - Washington, DC

Who is that big blue blur?
That's yours truly making magic happen at the Wendy's drive-thru late the night before the Roy Halladay Era started in Philadelphia.  The secret is to just knock on the window until you annoy the employees enough that they just open the window. 
Yes, that was some delicious fast food.
Why the sudden change in track?  Where's the beautiful scenery of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff's trip out West?  It's because the Phillies suck right now and I wanted to be reminded of when they were the Team to Beat in the National League.  Right now they're the team to Get Beat in the National League. 
Back to the story at hand,  any Easter night that starts with MC Hammer-tinies has to be a good time.
Where do you go for MC Hammer-tinis in Georgetown on an Easter Sunday?  Why, Mr. Smith's of course. What's actually in one?  Hammer vodka and some other stuff to make it fruity and fru-fru.  Naturally, a perfect drink for me.  If you were a member of the Pics of Me in Front of Stuff Entourage you would also get to drink 40 plus beers plus a shot or two in deference to Donovan McNabb being traded to the Redskins earlier that day.  You may also end up with a bow earring in your ear.  Isn't that a nice look for Fensty?
And that was way before beer 40 or shot one.
Helping us blow more money was the fact that Mr. Smith's becomes a piano bar at night and due to the few customers present we ended up sitting directly at the piano.  Thanks to the stylings of Mr. Spencer Bates, his eclectic play list, and Fensty's and This Guy's need to buy him shots I am sure we spent at least an extra $100.  
But, how could you resist a face like this?
Also, he played Automobile.
Sadly, Mr. Smith's eventually had to close though we did keep it open an extra hour due to our willingness to spend money.  Eventually we got to the Wendy's where the magic happened.  Eventually, we got back to the hotel.  Eventually, Fensty dry-humped T-Rev.
There was a baseball game the next day, too.  I'll get to that eventually. 

Monday, July 19, 2010

Progress on 50 in 30.

The map, she's getting full.

visited 38 states (76%)
Create your own visited map of The United States
The hour glass is getting empty.  There's only about a year and a half left and that big middle part of the country is pretty empty.  Now that I'm back in New Jersey look for more exciting updates from Pics of Me in Front of Stuff!

Friday, July 16, 2010

On the Road Again - Moab to Salt Lake City to Montpelier, ID

I bet you were expecting a post yesterday and were disappointed not to find one. I apologize the 103 degree weather in Moab kicked my ass more than I thought and I was exhausted last night.
Here's another reason why:

Now I am in Montpelier, ID outside Bear Lake. Bear Lake is gorgeous but I was too exhausted yesterday to consider stopping and taking a picture. Use your mind's eye and imagine a big, beautiful lake surrounded by mountains at sunset. That was Bear Lake yesterday.
Now it's off to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Arches National Park - Moab, UT

There are over 100 pics from my trip today.  It was over 100 degrees and I am exhausted so there is no way in hell that I am going through all those pictures.  So I'll just include the one everyone wants to see...well, everyone except the vagina hunters...a picture of me in front of stuff.

That's me at Delicate Arch in the park. Hiking up to that thing is one reason I am so fatigued today.  I am sure I'll share some more photos soon.  Tomorrow it is back north for more driving and adventure!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This water is making me thirsty - The Great Salt Lake - Utah

Was there any chance I was going to not visit The Great Salt Lake while I was in Salt Lake City?
You're right, there wasn't.
Here's the proof I was there.
That was the best I could do with the self-timer.  
Those rocks are clearly from Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake.  Now I'm in Moab, but with no photos yet.  However, that will change quickly tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Morning with the Mormons - Temple Plaza - Salt Lake City, UT

I will not pretend to know anything about the Church of the Latter Day Saints or Mormons or whatever they prefer to be called. Most of my knowledge regarding the church can be summed up in the South Park episode that spent 30 minutes ripping (quite hilariously) how the Mormon church started.

While I do not agree with the Mormons on many things, now that I found myself in Salt Lake City I felt the need to check out the center of their universe. I am not Catholic and I would go see the Vatican, why not go see the Temple Plaza?
I visited early this morning.
Since I am trying to squeeze this in before I head on the road again, this will be brief.  The buildings in the plaza are quite impressive.
The plaza was beautiful.  
Whether it was the fountains and monuments to their founders...
 ...or their churches...
 ....or their tabernacle, which is behind those trees,...
...or their private temple...
...the Mormons know how to build some pretty buildings!

Now it's off to Moab.

Sawtooth Scenic Byway - Boise to Salt LakeCity - Life on the road

Holy crap I drove a lot today!

View Larger Map
put 550 miles on the Official Boise to Bozeman Rental Car of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff from beginning to end over approximately 13 hours.  Sounds like an awesome vacation, huh? Your judgment aside, Dear Reader, I am exhausted and here's a quick look at the day that was for Pics of Me in Front of Stuff.

First, here's me in front of stuff because if I never include one, it's just a snappy name.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is a way of life. Here I am outside Boise on the way to Stanley, ID.
 Here's Red Fish Lake outside Stanley, ID.
Finally, a picture of the resting place of Ernest Hemingway outside Ketchum, ID.
Ernest Hemingway would probably have loved Pics of Me in Front of Stuff...because he would have been drunk when reading this and drunks think everything's funnier.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Smurf Turf - Boise State University Bronco Stadium - Boise, Idaho - Dispatch from the road

Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is currently on the road working on 50 states in 30 years.  The trip started in Oregon (#34) and has moved onto Idaho (#35).  Here's a brief post from a brief visit to Boise, Idaho.
Everyone knows the Boise State University plays football on blue turf
Or everyone should know that.  
All five regular readers of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff probably knew that already.  For all the freaks who end up here because they were searching for the word vagina...if you don't know, now you know. 
While in Boise, with only a limited amount of time and what appears to be a limited amount of interesting things to go see, I swung by the Boise State Campus from the Grove Hotel to see this unique turf. 
In front of the stadium, it appeared athletes were pushing around a white pick-up truck getting ready for the upcoming season.  In the back of the stadium, Pics of Me in Front of was trying to get a photo through a chain link fence that showed off the blue turf.
It's hard to see, but it's there. I saw the smurf turf!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, USA!

Everybody likes fireworks, right?
Interesting Pics of Me in Front of Stuff related Independence Day Fact - The Fourth of July is the Official Holiday That Pics of Me in Front of Stuff Hates to Be Single/Alone.  It's true.  Way more than Valentine's Day, being single on Fourth of July with the fireworks is just a bummer.  Thank goodness the Official Favorite Uncle of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff invited Pics of Me in Front of Stuff over for a cookout.
 Thanks, Uncle Ted!
Happy Fourth of July!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pics of Me in Front of Stuff wishes it had gone to the World Cup

Who does not wish they got to visit South Africa for the past month to watch the biggest sporting event in the world?
I don't know.  
(On a side note, please don't confuse this guy, Glenn Beck, with the lovable and often drunken Pics of Me in Front Stuff character, This Guy.  They are completely unrelated and on complete opposite ends of the douche bag scale.)
One of the drivers behind this post is that CP, the former Official Girlfriend of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff, currently has a friend living in South Africa...whom she refuses to visit...  That never played a role in the dissolution of the relationship it may have been a sticking point had our relationship lasted past the winter.  While Pics of Me in Front of Stuff will never consider himself a home for soccer hooliganism, this past month of watching the splendor of international soccer has been fun.  And it's soccer at Pics of Me in Front of stuff; none of this football crap.  There are two reasons why.  First, the English, who reportedly invented the game but only won the tournament once, first called it soccer in the 1800s.  Second, this is an American blog and Pics of Me in Front of Stuff admits to nothing less than jingoism.  Watching the US Men's National Team, which needs a nickname, hustle and claw their way into the knockout round was fantastic.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is a huge underdog fan and combining that with rampant patriotism and the TV was glued to the England and Ghana games (the only weekend games) in Pics of Me in Front of Stuff Manor.  Sadly, the magic ended against Ghana.  
Now for three fun Pics of Me in Front of Stuff World Cup Fun Facts:
1.  Lots of sports pundits considered the US was in an easy portion of the bracket.  These are the best soccer teams in the world from country's obsessed with soccer. Soccer is the fourth most popular sport in the US.  Would any bracket not including a team of legless players be easy for the US?  Regardless, Pics of Me in Front of Stuff had moments of guilt cheering against Ghana and would have had more issues as the US advanced.  The Official top five favorite teams of Me in Front of Stuff are:
A. USA - Common sense.  Winner by a long shot.
B. Ghana - How do you cheer against poor Africans? 
C. Uruguay - Pics of Me in Front of Stuff heard their national anthem and immediately fell in love with a strictly platonic and pro-American way.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff does not condone the hate of the 'Orientals' but based on their anthem the Uruguayans do not mess around.
E.  Germany - Just like in March Madness, Pics of Me in Front of Stuff likes to pick a team with a real chance of winning to, hopefully, make the final more interesting.  Germany is like a Big East team in this regard.  Besides, it looks like Die Mannschaft are due.
The US would have had to play teams B,C, and E to reach the final. 
2.  Soccer is so much more exciting on the radio.  Listening to the US-Algeria game on the radio at work may have been one of the more exciting non-Philadelphia related sports moments in the history of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff.  While not quite Phillies playoffs exciting, it was up there.  
3.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is going to miss the World Cup partially because of the soccer action but also partially because of the Wags.  Growing up in Central PA and playing football, making fun of soccer players and questioning their sexuality was almost mandatory.  Considering the women international soccer players bed it was foolish.  Take a look at Peter Crouch and consider how exactly he does it.
If only Pics of Me in Front of Stuff had played soccer...and had any athleticism...