Who is that big blue blur?
That's yours truly making magic happen at the Wendy's drive-thru late the night before the Roy Halladay Era started in Philadelphia. The secret is to just knock on the window until you annoy the employees enough that they just open the window. Yes, that was some delicious fast food.
Why the sudden change in track? Where's the beautiful scenery of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff's trip out West? It's because the Phillies suck right now and I wanted to be reminded of when they were the Team to Beat in the National League. Right now they're the team to Get Beat in the National League.
Back to the story at hand, any Easter night that starts with MC Hammer-tinies has to be a good time.
Back to the story at hand, any Easter night that starts with MC Hammer-tinies has to be a good time.
Where do you go for MC Hammer-tinis in Georgetown on an Easter Sunday? Why, Mr. Smith's of course. What's actually in one? Hammer vodka and some other stuff to make it fruity and fru-fru. Naturally, a perfect drink for me. If you were a member of the Pics of Me in Front of Stuff Entourage you would also get to drink 40 plus beers plus a shot or two in deference to Donovan McNabb being traded to the Redskins earlier that day. You may also end up with a bow earring in your ear. Isn't that a nice look for Fensty?
And that was way before beer 40 or shot one.
Helping us blow more money was the fact that Mr. Smith's becomes a piano bar at night and due to the few customers present we ended up sitting directly at the piano. Thanks to the stylings of Mr. Spencer Bates, his eclectic play list, and Fensty's and This Guy's need to buy him shots I am sure we spent at least an extra $100.
But, how could you resist a face like this?
Also, he played Automobile.
Sadly, Mr. Smith's eventually had to close though we did keep it open an extra hour due to our willingness to spend money. Eventually we got to the Wendy's where the magic happened. Eventually, we got back to the hotel. Eventually, Fensty dry-humped T-Rev.
There was a baseball game the next day, too. I'll get to that eventually.
There was a baseball game the next day, too. I'll get to that eventually.