OMFG this weather is so cold it's making me talk in acronyms or whatever you call things like that. It barely reached double digits today in North Jersey. Thank God it did not snow again because I could not handle another bitch fest coming out of New York City. It echoes out of the tunnel and it hurts my ears.
Remember things could always be worse.
This video is relatively old, but I had to fit it in somewhere because I am a big fan. Not sure if it really belongs but the Snowpocalypse/Snowmaggedon/Snowlocaust will do that to a man. Do what? I have no idea.
Regardless, what I wanted to do to day was think some warm thoughts. So to the dismay of This Guy, I found some more photos from Hawaii!
If you clicked on the Hawaii link above, and if you didn't WTF is your problem, you would have missed my lament of not sharing a shirtless photo from Hawaii. Thanks to the cold, it's your lucky day.
[Insert sweater joke here]
That was pretty fantastic. I am not a huge beach guy, but that beach was fantastic. Everywhere I go around NJ, people are enamored with the Jersey shore. This beach, whose name I have forgotten, was so much better than anything I have ever experienced anywhere on the East Coast. The beauty and serenity due to the lack of Jersey Guidos can not be fully comprehended unless you have been to Seaside Heights in the summer. Let's just say, this was a lot better and right now I want to return there and get out of this frigid cold.
Remember when it was warmer and neither the Snowpocalypse nor the Snowmageddon has hit the northeast? Before New Yorkers couldn't stop bitching about how their streets were not plowed? Before I had to shovel out two feet of snow to park the PoMiFoS mobile?
Remember when it was warm enough to wait for a beer while covered in mud?
That's yours truly covered in mud post Warrior Dash in Quarryville, PA. I am covered in a few pounds of mud, holding a post-race banana in one hand, and a free beer ticket in the other. Read into it what you will, I just wanted my free beer.
The day started off a lot cleaner than it ended. See at the beginning of the Dash I was totally mud-free.
Look at me go!
I have no idea what the girl with the pink wig was going for.
She was not the only one in costume, though.
The Official Mom of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff snapped this photo.
Thankfully, she got these guys, too. They're at least cool-looking.
So why what exactly was the Warrior Dash? It was a 3.15 mile, approximately 5K, race over obstacles through woods and obviously through some mud. The obstacles included climbing a rope, some big piles of sand, a cargo net, a balance beam, logs floating in disturbingly scum-free portion of a scummy pond, mud covered-hills, and the natural detritus found on a trail in rural Pennsylvania. Those muddy hills were a bitch. The piece de resistance were the Muddy Mayhem and the Fiery Finish. If you were unaware the Warrior Dash was happening in Quarryville (aka you are Amish) you might have wondered why all the muddy English were walking along the road.
This is normally where I would insert video of the Simpsons erecting a barn when they meant to erect an above-ground pool. However, Fox, who was at least partially responsible for the NLCS and NFL not being on my TV for a few weeks, does not want to share the Simpsons either. You suck, Fox.
Since Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is negotiating with Cablevision, here's a photo of muddy people walking up the road.
The current freezing temperature makes me yearn for the wonderful warm weather of the Midatlantic Warrior Dash. Prior to waiting in line for the beer, I managed to negotiate the course and finished by jumping over the burning logs just prior to the finish line.
A New Year is upon us and has been upon for damn near 10 days now. I'm sure PoMiFoS readers, all 3 of you, have been chomping at the bit as to what's been going on in the Official Universe of PoMiFoS. Well, it's 2011 here too and it's about time I extract my head from my ass and share. Isn't what a whole blogs about? Creating a little universe that revolves around you and occasionally amuses your friends and/or people searching for pics of vaginas?
So here's 11 things I'm going to accomplish in 2011: 1. Run 1000 miles. Is that what PoMiFoS is all about? No, if you've seen the posts regarding me running you would know I'm not real good at it. Still, if I can average about 2.76 miles per day.
It's not quite the moon, but it's a start. 2. At least 53 posts this year. That's more than one per week. Look out for Sundays especially now that the Eagles went and lost to the stupid Packers.
3. Visit those last 9 states. I have until Thanksgiving. Better start cracking on figuring what to do in NE and KS. 4. Figure out what's after the 50 states. MLB baseball stadiums? Continents? US Territories? Europe? Wife and kids? What's Next? 5. Nanowrimo - It's nothing new to everyone else, but in November it will be new to me. Why not crank out 50,00 words in a month? 6. Read 13 books - I'm not sure if that is a lot. On Writing by Stephen King says to be a better writer you need to be an avid reader. Avid to me is a little but more than one book per month. I won't try and tackle War and Peace in a month. That is partially because I already listened to the audio book and I have no urge to actually try and read that monster and partially because that is far too much to expect to read in a month. 7. Write Everyday - Dear PoMiFoS reader, you will not be subjected to all of it. Some of it may end up on Twitter and I feel a fair portion will end up on here, but some may just end up in my log. It's not a diary, it's a log damnit. No, I'm not a hipster because I have a moleskin dia....log. I'm going to do some writing. 8. Take at least 1 photo per week - I got a fancy new camera, a new lens, and a phone with a camera attached. I'm going to take some damn photos. I think I read something about that on how to be interesting. I have no idea who Russell Davies is but he must be interesting. 9. Stop yelling at the TV for sports - ESPN and its excessive self-importance is really sucking the fun out of sports for me. Remember when high school football was not on national television? Do we really need Merrill Hoge and his 15 button suits and oversized tie knot? Remember when 9/11 happened and we realized that sports is not war and nowhere near as important as life and death? I think in the ten years that have passed we forgot some of those lessons. Sports used to be fun, I am not sure they are anymore and I want them to be fun not something to be angry about. However, my bathroom will continue to be adorned with Eagles paraphenalia. I have no interest in looking for a new shower curtain or rugs. 10. Try one new recipe per month - I gotta eat. 11. Think up the eleventh thing to put on this list - I thought 11 in 2011 had a nice ring to it. I clearly ran out of steam after 9. I'm open to suggestions!
Hello! You probably know me, but imaybe not. I don't take sports as seriously as I ued to. I have goals and if I remember to write about them you'll see when I accomplish them.