Here's what happens when a video of a basketball game is professionally put together by a large corporation with lots of video equipment and professionals to use it.
Here's what happens when a video of basketball game is not done very professionally.
That's what the last seconds of Ohio State-Kentucky looked like live from the back of someone's head at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. In case you missed it in the first two videos, these guys won:
The Bartner and I have watched the NCAA Tournament together before with exciting results. This time we had scored tickets to see live actions.
This time with no Bear Fights. There were two games on Friday night. The lesser of the two - North Carolina vs. Marquette - was first. Everything about the first game was not as good as the second game as you can see from the score just after halftime.

The lopsided score sucked the life out of the Marquette and Carolina fans as well as the Bartner and PoMiFoS. The pep bands even seemed to lack pep. They politely took turns playing and featured no entertainment at halftime.
Marquette was 2-16 from behind the arch and not not much better from anywhere else.
Ohio State-Kentucky was the big draw for the night as the red clad fans spelling out O-H-I-O dominated my corner of the arena. There was much more electricity in the air when the game started and there was even more energy and even a little rivalry between the cheerleaders and pep bands. The polite alternate playing went out the window as fans, bands, and pep squads tried to drown their opposition out. Maybe it was because I was located behind the Ohio State band and near their fans, but it felt like the Buckeyes and their faithful won that contest. Also, it's easier to chant OH-IO than yelling Blue and White or spelling out CATS. The Kentucky pep squad did put on an impressive display by spelling out CATS via back-flips (not pictured but I'm totally getting a video Sunday)and a giant mascot topped, spinning human pyramid.

And wow, I talked a lot about the bands and cheerleaders...
But really, the second game of the night was fantastic. Look a photo of game action:

Ohio State and Kentucky played a back-and-forth game in which neither could take control. At halftime, the Official Mom of PoMiFoS texted me to find out about the game.
PoMiFoS: UNC killed Marquette. UK-OSU is tied at 30 at halftime.
Official Mom of PoMiFoS: Wow, must be a close game
It's true, it was a close game. The only way it could have been closer was if the teams were wearing the same jersey at the same time. The game stayed that way throughout. You can scroll back to the top and see how it ended. Hopefully, North Carolina-Kentucky will be just as good on Sunday evening. Look for me in the crowd, I'll be the guy in a blue shirt.