Let's Go Phillies! Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap
Let's Go Phillies! Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap
Let's Go Phillies! Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap
Let's Go Phillies! Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap
Let's Go Phillies! Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap
Let's Go Phillies! Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap
I am seriously lost without the Phillies on tonight.
Cliff Lee scored more runs than the rest of the Phillies on Saturday .
The Fightin's laid two touchdowns on the Braves on Sunday.
Somehow Ryan Howard did not make the home run derby on Monday night.
Seriosuly, Prince?
Rickie Weeks?
At least you may have clinched home field advantage for the Phils in the World Series.Who's excited?
Everybody was excited even this guy in the Bronx Zoo.
It might be for Jeter's 3,000th hit today., I guess. Remember, Cliff Lee hit just as many home runs as Derek Jeter the same day and Cliff also struck out 9 Braves. How many people did Derek Jeter strike out?Any guesses?
Just going to sleep there? Typical Yankees fans, ignorant to the other 29 baseball teams.
Surprised they even know the other 29 teams exist.
You can probably guess it was tough living here in November of 2009 when the stupid asshole Yankees beat my beloved Fightin's in the World Series.
Let's just say Jeter has fewer career wins than the Phillies' back-up shortstop and I like it that way.
I have been to Yankee Stadium before, but this Mother's Day I took the Official Mom of PoMiFoS to somewhere else nearby, the Bronx Zoo. She wanted to see the baby animals and since I have not provided her with any baby humans to fawn over yet, she had to settle for some other young mammals.
Look at that little orange fella. Ain't he cute?
Speaking of babies, how the Hell is Juan Perez 32?
He looks like he's 15. I wander if he is the anti-Tejada and lied the wrong way on his birth certificate. Regardless, he keeps pitching like he has the games before the All-Star Break, I do not care how old he is.
Back to the baby animals.
He's a cute little...deer...thing...ain't he?
And so are these guys.
And I'm sure if that little guy is still alive he is darling as well.
I'm pretty sure he moved while we were passing by.
and turtles
Oh my.
Let's not forget the Official Favorite Animal of PoMiFoS, the Polar Bear.
Surprisingly, that was really the extent of the baby animals running or laying around on Mother's Day. Mom still had a great time and I was pleasantly surprised by the zoo. Given that it was in the Bronx, I was concerned it would be rather ghetto. Honestly, old Yankee Stadium was a rundown dump. Take away the 26 World Championships and the place was a rundown old stadium. If that was the highlight of the Bronx before the new stadium was built, then I imagine the lesser lights could be nothing but disappointing. Little did I know the same organization that runs the Bronx Zoo runs all of the zoos in New York City including the Central Park Zoo, you know the one with the bad-ass penguins in the movie Madagascar. With that said, they had plenty of non-baby animals.
There were lions
and tigersand turtles
Oh my.
Let's not forget the Official Favorite Animal of PoMiFoS, the Polar Bear.
I love polar bears. Maybe not as much as the Phillies, but if the Phillie Phanatic was in a fight to the death with a polar bear, I'm not sure who I would be cheering for. Paint some red pinstripes on the big white guy above and suddenly he's a pholar bear. Sounds like an interesting idea to me. Fortunately, this is a dilemma that will probably never come up. Since it was Mother's Day, it was for the best because she's a big phan of the Phanatic. So it was a great day to spend with the Official Mom and Step Dad of PoMiFoS. We saw lots of animals and had a lovely time at the Bronx Zoo. Everyone should go.