The Donald's voice saying 'Welcome to the Trump Plaza Casino, the best casino along the best boardwalk in the world' should be played via recording upon entering said casino. Not because it's true, but because that's how the Donald rolls.

Regardless of its standing amongst casinos, I ended up visiting the Trump Plaza Casino Friday night with several of my fellow Merck employees and Melissa on a booze bus trip. The running joke throughout the week was that I was riding the bus with a bunch of blue-haired old ladies going to play the penny slots and drink free versions of whatever it is blue-haired old ladies drink - whiskey sours and white wine spritzers is what I imagine. While everyone but Melissa was older than me, I would not categorize any of them as old. There were even some other dudes.

I joined in on the festivities with them, I was not about to let them show me up. I am no Olga, the Travelling Bra, but I try. Aside from a creepy bald dude hitting on every single one of the older women who rode the bus with me, as well as my lack of luck at the tables the night ended without mishap.
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