When you think of picsofmeinfrontofstuff.blogspot.com, you think of thoughtful, introspective journalism covering relevant topics that affect your daily life. That is probably because you have had too much to drink yet again and could not figure out how to type picsofnakedgirls.blogspot.com after a long night of boozing. That's fine by me, Reader. I honestly expect no less and would be confused if I found someone bright-eyed and bushy-tailed reading this blog. However, recently I visited a place that touches a subject which does require a careful and thoughtful discussion. Looking at the title, you may wander what is special regarding Mount Mitchill. Aside from being the highest (or second highest, depending on your definition) point on the Eastern Seaboard, Mount Mitchill also overlooks various landmarks including Sandy Hook National Recreation Area and New York City. As you can imagine, dear Reader (drunk or sober), there was a terrible sight to witness from Mount Mitchill's peak on September 11, 2001. To comemorate the lives lost within eyeshot of the peak, a memorial was created featuring an eagle gripping a bent steel beam recovered from Ground Zero. The names of local residents that lost their lives were etched into the sides of the memorial.

As someone who has visited numerous graves of historic figures and memorials, I tried to respectfully appear in a picture with the memorial. Unfortunately, these days when you find me, you usually find me chewing sugarless gum and picsofmeinfrontstuff.blogspot.com's Chief Photographer found me mid-chew.

I end up making such an awkward face in front of such an important memorial all for the sake of oral hygiene.
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