I may be able to describe it best with this exchange from There's Something about Mary stolen straight from http://www.imdb.com/.
[after telling Mary that he's an architect]
Pat Healy: Really, it's only a side thing for my true passion.
Mary: And what's that?
Pat Healy: I work with retards.
Mary: Isn't that a little politically incorrect?
Pat Healy: Yeah, maybe, but hell, no one's gonna tell me who I can and can't work with.
Then again, that probably is not the best example and possibly one of the more offensive I could have chosen. Maybe this video can explain it better:
For some unknown reason, I felt the need to plung my mostly naked body into the frigid Atlantic Ocean like I was some kind of polar bear. From the photos below, you can clearly see neither I nor my plunging partner Gabe are polar bears.
Regardless of our species, we both jumped into the Atlantic Ocean in February with 3000+ (mostly drunk) plungers to support the Special Olympics of New Jersey. As a group, the plungers raised over $1 million and jumped into 33 degree Fahrenheit Atlantic Ocean in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. The plungers included an interesting cast of characters

Sadly, Pics of Me in Front of Stuff did not feature of pics of me throwing my body into the chilly Atlantic Ocean. If I could search on Google for images of cold, I would post a link. However, I am not sure any of them could do justice to how cold that water was. The water was cold, the sand was cold, the air was cold. Overall, the whole day was cold which probably made it a good day for polar bears. However, as I pointed out previously, me and my plunging partner were not polar bears so we coped the best we could. You can see below, some of us coped better than others.
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