...or even a good runner
...or even a below average runner, but I managed to finish a half marathon in Hawaii.
You can imagine that I was pretty tired.
No need to to imagine, I'll tell you, I was pooped.
But has being tired ever stopped me from driving off to see new stuff and get my picture taken in front of it?
Well, yes, it has, but all of those times were not in Hawaii.
Therefore, not long after the race, having watched the end of the US Soccer team's defeat at the hands (or feet) of Brazil I poured myself into the driver's seat of our rental car and headed south from the hotel to the southern most point in the United States, appropriately named South Point.

You can see below that all of Hawaii is further south than the rest of the US, including Key West.
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That's right, Key West, you are not so big and bad after all.
South Point dominates Key West in latitude like I would dominate Paul Giamatti in a footrace.
How could I not beat that guy? John Adams was built for speed even less than I was and I do not wear one of those goofy wigs.
Name the time and place, Giamatti.
My strange obsession with racing Paul Giamatti aside, South Point was quite a long drive. I sat wearily in the drivers seat and I must have driven as well as we passed through the countryside on the big island of Hawaii. Though dissimilar in location and climate, the Hawaiian countryside reminds me of my rural upbringing in southeast central Pennsylvania. Imagine Lancaster County minus the Amish. Now consider the same pastoral setting not only lacking in horse and buggies but also featuring a beach nearby and lots of Hawaiians.
There are some windmills as well.

The windmill farms were in sight as we approached South Point on a poorly maintained country road. The road wound through the country side and eventually ended in a section only accessible with a 4-wheel drive vehicle, which I was too thrifty to rent. Luckily, that section of road was short and despite my extreme fatigue (remember I had finished a half-marathon earlier that day) we were able to march from the car down the dusty, rough road to the southern most point in the United States.
Here we are!
Suck it, Key West!
Suck it, Key West!

If you can believe it, which I am sure you can, the southern most place in this country is quite a scenic place.
From the winding roads to the beaches to the huge windmills capturing the breeze blowing in from the coast, South Point was not only the southern most point in the US, but also one of the most beautiful.
Don't I look happy to be there?!
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