If you have not noticed by now, Frequent Reader, Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is stuck in a Hawaii rut. Maybe it is not fair to call anything related to Hawaii a rut. Rut has such a negative connotation and there is little if anything negative that can be written about Hawaii in this little corner of the blogosphere. Hawaii was, is, and always will be paradise. You get in a rut in Nebraska or Arizona or New Jersey, not Hawaii. A rut is a usual or fixed practice especially a monotonous one. Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii...maybe that is a rut even if it is a pretty damn good rut. Considering how poorly the Phillies are playing of late (8-2 to the Nationals, guys? Really?! The Nationals?!), I could use some positive feelings. Maybe a nice positive rut is what I need. Rut or not, for the 4th post in a row Pics of Me in Front of Stuff features another special locale in Hawaii - Shaka Restaurant in Na'alehu, Hawaii.
Let's never confuse Pics of Me in Front of Stuff with Zagat's. While we agree on who makes the best Fast Food burger in NJ, Wendy's, there is little else I could bring to the conversation regarding food critiques. Food critics will describe atmosphere and service and different undertone and overtones of flavor. Bouquets and other bullshit descriptions. My feeling? I like food, it's delicious. I ate a fresh pear for the first time on Monday. No need to deny it, nothing added on that subject from this blog.
All I can say is that I was there.
But how many of those critics can say they have a low point in lattitude as far as American restaurants go? Who among them has drank a Kona Brewery beer in just such a special place?
I have!
Then again, if you go to the southernmost bar in the US how could you not drink a beer there? Obviously there are good reasons not to, but none of them necessarily apply to me. As often as I visit breweries and as often as I describe them on Pics of Me in Front of Stuff, I better drink a beer at Shaka Restaurant or hang up my blog writing shoes. Since I am barefoot, maybe I already hung them up or maybe it has just been a long day and I am trying to relax. Maybe those shoes are some kind of metaphors that I just can not complete. Maybe I will cut this train of maybes off right now.
My overuse of the word maybe aside, CP & I stopped at Shaka Restaurant following my finish in the Kona Half-Marathon and after our visit to South Point. CP felt this was an excellent opportunity for what readers of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff really want: live video of me.
So here I am at Shaka Restaurant reporting on my experience at the Kona Half Marathon.
Hello! You probably know me, but imaybe not. I don't take sports as seriously as I ued to. I have goals and if I remember to write about them you'll see when I accomplish them.
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