Monday, July 19, 2010

Progress on 50 in 30.

The map, she's getting full.

visited 38 states (76%)
Create your own visited map of The United States
The hour glass is getting empty.  There's only about a year and a half left and that big middle part of the country is pretty empty.  Now that I'm back in New Jersey look for more exciting updates from Pics of Me in Front of Stuff!


Capital Katie said...

I've never been to Texas, I hear Austin's cool and I need a vacation... wanna go?

PoMiFoS said...

Last time I had a conversation like that I ended up with a co-pilot through the Grand Tetons. Better be careful or you'll be wearing a cowboy hat soon.

Capital Katie said...

Hey, I flew to Mexico on a whim when a girl I hadn't seen in 8 years offered to host me. I am 100 percent serious, so don't test me!

PoMiFoS said...

Is that a threat? I have no vacation days and a huge credit card bill from the last trip, but I don't take threats lying down!

Capital Katie said...

Ha, it might be. I can be patient and wait until you have more money, though (because frankly, I should be more mindful of my own budget).

PoMiFoS said...

You see, Texas isn't the problem. Know anything fun to do in Kansas or Oklahoma? Impress me!