Sunday, February 3, 2013

52 Weeks, 52 Race - Race 4 30th Annual FARC NJ Winter Race Series #4

And here I go again on my own.
Going down the only road I've ever known...
...For 5Ks in January...Aside from the one in Tamaques Park...

So maybe Whitesnake did it better the first time around.  It's a catchy little ditty and I can't say I'm much of a song writer.  From my body of work, I can't say I'm much of a writer at all.  I do seem to be adequate at self-publication via the internet and looking at my recent increased volume of work I'm at least becoming consistent.  My 52 Weeks 52 Races goal has definitely given me an easier opportunity to write about a rather boring subject repeatedly.  I can't imagine many folks want to read about some dude running 5Ks rather slowly.  Who wants to read my brief rants regarding a middle aged man with a very passing resemblance to the Hulkster?
Probably my mom and maybe Baconlb...
Whoever is reading out there, I ran another 5K this past Sunday.  It was Race 4 for both me and the FARC NJ Winter Race Series.  It was also a frigid day for both me and the FARC NJ Winter Race Series.  The entire preceding week had been especially frigid starting at the bottom in single digits on Monday and Tuesday.  It eventually worked its way up into double digits and eventually the 20s and 30s.  My office neighbor mentioned we may have gotten acclimated after hitting rock bottom right away and she may have been right.  It was still cold.

Oooh a car thermometer photo!  How original!
Even with the low temperatures, it did feel remarkably bearable during my run in the cold.  I was not one of the brave souls in shorts and a t-shirt or the nut job in cloth shorts and a tank top.  I had googled what to wear while running in the cold.  The internet experts did not recommend either of those outfits.  I got by with my trusty Under Armour spandex (Baconlb calls the bottom leggings, but I disagree), a pair of Nike wind pants and an LL Bean pullover designed to be warm and breathable.
And of course...
Go Indians!
Where would I be without my Waynesboro Indians shirt?  I'd prefer not to know.  Four races down and   I plan on repping the Indians at least 47 more times.
As for the race itself, the location and the course were the exact same as my previous three visits.  

Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyRun

The run was the exact same 2.5 laps along the main road and path through the woods in Michael J. Tighe Park.  My time was pretty close to the same as well. A little slower but not unacceptable.  One major difference was the absence of my budding archenemy - The Goober.  Maybe he was sick or busy or unwilling to brave the cold.  Maybe he saw my blog posts and his feelings were hurt.  Whatever it was, he was not there to beat me on Sunday.  He was not there to answer the bell so I am going to count this one as a draw in the score books.  Showing up is at least one requirement for winning, but I refuse to accept a forfeit.  I'll have to wait for another day to beat him. 

You need to be afraid, Goober.
Despite the frigid cold, monotonous locale and course, and the lack of Goober I'm finished with 4 races.  I'm one-thirteenth of the way to 52 races.  Only 48 more to go!