There is facial hair
...and there are beards...
...and there are great beards!
That one helped to end the cold war!!!! Aside from Abraham Lincoln and Santa Claus, there are few beards that match up to Sylvester Stallone's beard in Rocky IV. Lincoln's beard helped to win the Civil War and freed the slaves.
Santa's beard helps bring joy and presents to children all over the world. To top all of that Rocky's beard helped end the Cold War and prevented mutually assured destruction between the United States and the Soviet Union.
If I can change and you can change, everybody can change and maybe I can stop posting pictures and videos that were not captured by me or CP and get to the point. The point is, like many great men before me, I grew a beard this October to help inspire the Fightin's onto consecutive World Championships for the first time in their 126 year history. Blocking their way was the Evil Empire, the New York Yankees, a team composed of and cheered by many who had given up their souls in favor of baseball glory. I am not saying all Yankees fans sold their souls, I am just saying there is a good chance the Devil does not just wear Prada, but he or she also wears pinstripes. Tell me Yankees fans, does it hurt not having a soul? My only basis for knowledge on this subject is the Simpsons.
It takes a daring and possibly slightly unstable man to grow a beard for the baseball playoffs. It takes a down right nut-job to grow a beard and wear the opposing team's hat into New York City when playing the Yankees. All I can say is, look at that beardo.
It clearly takes an understanding woman like CP to put up with this shit. Beards are not attractive, comfortable, or, in my case, sanitary. Do you know how much food gets caught in there every meal?! Not only does CP allow me to drag her retarded places and take my picture, but she also puts up with a beard followed by a month worth of mustache aka Movember.
I had to say goodbye to the beard.
And say hello to the moustache.
Thanks to one of my many Steeler fan facebook friends for letting me steal his picture. Also, don't fret, I'll get back to writing about weird places I have been soon.