Sunday, October 12, 2008

Heart of the Highlands 5K - West Milford, NJ

I am not much of a runner, but somehow I found myself doing a 5K on Saturday. Here is me when I am just about at the finish line.

That SUV you see behind me pulled out in front of me as I was coming down the homestretch. Like I needed an excuse to add a few more seconds to my time? Fortunately, my goal was less than 30 minutes and my goal was accomplished, 29:14.

Three of my co-workers beat me by at least 2 minutes, including


Gabe, who came in 3rd in his age group

and Christine, who won her age group.
The next one I do will have beer at the end...seriously, it's called the Beer Run and with that as a consideration I think my time will improve significantly!


Bev P said...

I am the director for the Heart of the Highlands 5K Run you mention. Sorry about the SUV. We had some glitches. Hope you and your friends and co-workers had a good time. Please come back next year!
See you on the running/racing circuit. I do about 36 events a year.
All the best,
Bev Puntolillo