Here's me finding a multi-cache near the Kernsville Damn just outside of Hamburg, PA. A multi-cache, as defined by, involves muliple caches at two or more locations, the final location being a physical container. There are many variations, but most multi-caches have a hint to find the second cache, and the second cache has hints to the third, and so on. An offset cache (where you go to a location and get hints to the actual cache) is considered a multi-cache. On this particular Fall afternoon, I ended up searching for the Blue Mountain Wildlife Multicache.
Considering it was a lovely afternoon for late November, I was not alone as I searched for my 'prey'. There were a few locals, dare I say 'Hamburgers', also outside enjoying the pleasant weather. They passed me multiple times as I searched for and eventually found the first part of the multi-cache.
Though probably confused by my actions, the Hamburgers offered greetings and some advice - Don't run by dogs, because they might bite you. In return, I considered some counter advice - Keep control of your dog because if it bites me I will kick you and your dog in the nuts.
With or without the helpful talk with my fellow Hamburgers, I was able to eventually to find the second half of the cache. After much searching as well as swearing and crashing through the underbrush I found the thermos that was hidden inside a tree not too far off the trail.
Here's me in front of the tree to prove it...

Thankfully, no one was bitten by dog nor was anyone kicked in the nuts during the location of this cache.
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