Before there was 9/11...
Before there was Pearl Harbor...
Before there was the Zimmerman Telegram...
Way before WMDs but after the Alamo, there was the U.S.S. Maine!
According to Wikipedia, the USS Maine was a pre-dreadnaught battleship that operated along the East Coast of the U.S. and the Caribbean. The day after Valentine's Day in 1898, the Maine was sank due to an unexplained explosion and took 266 of America's sailors with her to the bottom of Havana Bay. Though the explosion remains unexplained after 110 years, it resulted in the entry of U.S. into war with Spain aka the Spanish-American War. The unfortunate incident and ensuing conflict resulted in the clever catchphrase 'Remember the Maine!. To Hell with Spain!'
There are various memoirals dedicated to the Maine and the unfortunate sailors who died during its sinking. One such memorial is located in Reading, PA; mere minutes (like 30) from my childhood home in Hamburg, PA.

How could I resist a chance to park my ass in front of history and snap some digital photos with the self timer on my camera? It is pretty clear from the url, it is damn near impossible for me not to narcisstically block the view of historical objects whilst snapping photos.
And here is one more opportunity...

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