The answer is no one. No one is buried in Grant's Tomb. US Grant and his wife, Julia Dent Grant, are interred in matching sarcophagi in the center of the memorial, but those sarcophagi are on display for anyone near the intersection of 122nd St and Riverside Dr to pop in and see. Here's the view you get of the happy couple not too far from the entrance of their memorial.

Seeing the grand spectcle that is Grant's tomb struck me as odd considering how poor Grant's performance as president was considered by many historians. Despite his poor ranking as a president, due mostly to his willingness to overlook corruption in his administration, Grant was an America hero for his performance during the Civil War. According to
Wikipedia,'s only source for blog-related historical 'facts', an apocryphal story about Grant's drinking has the general's critics going to President Lincoln, charging the military man with being a drunk. Lincoln is supposed to have replied, "I wish some of you would tell me the brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other generals." As a Civil War General, Grant was a badass and he likely deserved Grant also appears on the $50 bill, so maybe those historians were just full of crap.
Regardless of the crap levels filling historians, here is the true star of
...the stuff in front of which my adoring readers get to see me stand.
I may never get my own impressive memorial or face on a denomination of US Currency, but when will US Grant get his own blog?
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