Sunday, June 12, 2011

Grand Tetons and Yellowstone - Wyoming- State No. 37

Who's excited for a post on Pics of Me in Front of Stuff?
Clearly, KJ, the newest member of the PoMiFoS family is.
I like to think of the cast of characters who inhabit the mysterious world as PoMiFoS as a big family.  It's been a disservice to her to not include her and Wyoming not to mention her sooner.  Since we're actually hanging out face-to-face in a few days it's probably best she gets mentioned.  I'm pretty sure she's not violent, but she has a seat next to me at the Phillies-Mariners game this Saturday and I do not want to test my luck.
She's been waiting for a long while so it's high time some more of this damn road trip actually made it on my blog.  Though it's Pics of ME in Front of Stuff, I really do this for the people.  All 3 of the people who actually read this stuff and have recently threatened to never read again since it's been far too long between updates.  

So....I was in Wyoming last July.
There I was at the Idaho-Wyoming border, in the middle of nowhere.  Back then I actually had someone to take my photo and so we stopped to let me block the view of some landscape.  Strangely, just as KJ and I crossed the Idaho-Wyoming border there was a little bit of home (mine not hers) to greet me.
In case you are piss-poor at American geography, the Keystone State and the....Wyoming...State are not near each other at all.  Enough of me criticizing your geographic understanding of our country, I'm writing this instead of doing something more useful to talk about Wyoming.
Why Wyoming? There are ton of easy answers.
1.)Wyoming was a state I had not visited.  It was #40.
2.) There is a ton of beautiful shit to see there.  I'm blocking a view the Grant Tetons below.
Check out the size of those Tetons!
Those are some Grand Tetons aren't they?!
It might look obvious from the photo above I was a little tired entering the Grand Tetons.  I was pretty tired.  It was partially from driving over 1000 miles to the Grand Tetons.  It also had something to do with the mono that kicked in while I was hiking through the heat in Arches National Park.  I was not diagnosed until after returning to New Jersey but it was never how the virus got to me.  I will say the possible cause attacked possibly even molested me on the dance floor at mur.mur in the Borgata in Atlantic City.  Regardless of where I got it, crowded drunken dance floor attack or the hot desert of Utah, it slowed me down to a crawl.  Thank God I convinced KJ to come along..  She did not get sick and I'm pretty sure she wasn't the one who got me sick.  KJ was an initial person of interest but the timing just doesn't work.  Regardless of who got me sick, KJ came with me to visit Wyoming.
Look at that big fella and check out the sign he's partially blocking.  
Who could really resist traveling that fine piece of man meat? 
Yellowstone might have been a big draw as well.
What can I tell you?  The scenery was pretty nice.

Dragon Cave.
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.
There were the animals, too.  Who doesn't love animals?

Everybody Loves Animals!