Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Early morning Santa Fe - Day 2

Pics of Me in Front of Stuff woke up too damn early today - up before the sun.
 It seemed like a good idea to get up early and check out Santa Fe without the usual people milling about.  That way there was no need to worry about random people walking through my photos or being run over by a car if a picture looked better when it was taken from the middle of the street.  The streets were mostly deserted.
This may have been a great idea if Pics of Me in Front of Stuff had not woken up at 4AM EDT and gone to bed after 11PM MDT yesterday.  There was a statue in town for people who do shit like that.

There were still some pretty sights to be seen early in the morning.
Any time of day Santa Fe is a pretty town.  And after some breakfast Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is heading north to explore Bandelier National Monument.
**** UPDATE: This whole daily update idea fizzled out with my internet connection once I reached Arizona.  Stay tuned for more fun and exciting posts once Pics of Me in Front of Stuff returns to the Garden State.