Maybe that is not a fitting tribute to a 'great' rock band like Looking Glass who produced such hits as 'Brandy' and... So maybe in comparison to other musicians from New Jersey like Bon Jovi and Springstein, Looking Glass comes up a little short. However, they still had more hit singles than I ever will. Though hard to believe, there is one thing interesting about Looking Glass. 'Brandy,' the song butchered by the blonde in the video above was based on the existence of a grave in a parking lot of the AMC Loews Theater found in New Brunswick, NJ.
She was a spinster and is currently dead and that essentially is what I uncovered about her life via my internet research. In depth research like that is what makes standout from the other blogs currently populating the internet. Mary Ellis may or may not have been waiting for a sea captain return to her for most of her life. According to Looking Glass, Brandy would have made a fine wife so I assume Mary Ellis would have as well. The most interesting fact I found about the poor, unbetrothed woman was the location of her grave, 7 feet above the parking lot of the New Brunswick Loew's Theater where I have seen multiple movies starring Daniel Craig including The Golden Compass and Quantum of Solace. I am pretty sure these facts are not related unless the missing sea captain was named Daniel or Craig or maybe had a first name as a last name.
Considering my propensity for travelling to see random crap, especially graves, how could anyone expect a pic of me in front of this stuff not appear on
Well, here it is...