Ooooh, that's pretty isn't it?!

That's the view from the north tower of the Twin Lights State Historic Site in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Late Sunday morning, I did not intend on visiting this historic site, but ended up here because the New Jersey Veterans Memorial was crowded. In case you forgot, Veteran's Day is on Tuesday. Be sure to thank a veteran for the sacrifices s/he and her/his family have made for our country. Since the memorial was crowded, I headed north to return to my apartment. On the Garden State Parkway, I spied a sign for a historic site I had not yet visited. Being a sucker for random historic sites, I took a detour to the historic lighthouse that overlooks Sandy Hook National Recreation Area and New York Harbor.
It was a lovely November day and I climbed to the top of the north tower. In case you are concerned, Twin Lights is not a misnomer. There is a south tower which is not open to the public.
The lighthouse is situate high on a hill overlooking the harbor and with the beautiful weather, my fellow visitors and I were afforded a beautiful view.
But aside from that view, here is what this blog is really all about...

That's me in the north tower acting casual and soaking up the lovely day.
And I am glad that it was a lovely Veteran's Day weekend and the memorial was crowded or I might have missed out on such a great view on such a lovely day.
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