Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Heidelberg Restaurant - New York City


Truly, one of the grandest moments of a man's life arrives when he comes face-to-face with a piece of drinking paraphanelia seen in a Broken Lizard movie. Forget marriage, forget becoming a father, life really comes down to either getting a pank pulled on you by the Vermont Highway Patrol (Super Troopers) or drinking 2L of beer out of a glass boot (Beer Fest). Since I have already been to Vermont and do not have plans on returning until I get past the 24 states I have left to cover for my 50 in 30 plan, Das Boot was my omly option.
Fortunately, living near New York City provides me with a proximity to a multitude of unique restaurants inlcuing the Heidelberg Restaurant, home of Das Boot!

Das Boot is actually 2 L of beer in a boot shaped glass that features a tiny foot with a big calf.
The Heidelberg not only featured beer, but also excellent German food and live German music.
With the sausages and pig knuckles and traditional music, there is clearly not a more stereotypical German restaurant in all of New York City. But considering my affinity for Das Boot I would return in an instant.
Amazingly, I ran 6 miles the next morning with a belly full of sausages and beer!