Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Morning with the Mormons - Temple Plaza - Salt Lake City, UT

I will not pretend to know anything about the Church of the Latter Day Saints or Mormons or whatever they prefer to be called. Most of my knowledge regarding the church can be summed up in the South Park episode that spent 30 minutes ripping (quite hilariously) how the Mormon church started.

While I do not agree with the Mormons on many things, now that I found myself in Salt Lake City I felt the need to check out the center of their universe. I am not Catholic and I would go see the Vatican, why not go see the Temple Plaza?
I visited early this morning.
Since I am trying to squeeze this in before I head on the road again, this will be brief.  The buildings in the plaza are quite impressive.
The plaza was beautiful.  
Whether it was the fountains and monuments to their founders...
 ...or their churches...
 ....or their tabernacle, which is behind those trees,...
...or their private temple...
...the Mormons know how to build some pretty buildings!

Now it's off to Moab.


Candice said...

Shoulda taken some dirty pics in front of those buildings. Unless you'd get assassinated.

PoMiFoS said...

As much as I wanted to end up in Mormon jail, I decided against it. If I ever go back, I'll consider it.