Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sawtooth Scenic Byway - Boise to Salt LakeCity - Life on the road

Holy crap I drove a lot today!

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put 550 miles on the Official Boise to Bozeman Rental Car of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff from beginning to end over approximately 13 hours.  Sounds like an awesome vacation, huh? Your judgment aside, Dear Reader, I am exhausted and here's a quick look at the day that was for Pics of Me in Front of Stuff.

First, here's me in front of stuff because if I never include one, it's just a snappy name.  Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is a way of life. Here I am outside Boise on the way to Stanley, ID.
 Here's Red Fish Lake outside Stanley, ID.
Finally, a picture of the resting place of Ernest Hemingway outside Ketchum, ID.
Ernest Hemingway would probably have loved Pics of Me in Front of Stuff...because he would have been drunk when reading this and drunks think everything's funnier.