Sunday, August 8, 2010

Me vs Albert Haynesworth

Dear Readers and Vagina Hunters, the rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Between returning from vacation, getting sick, work and my softball team's improbable run through the playoffs my time to inspire others via Pics of Me in Front of Stuff has been limited. I'll eventually fill in some more details about the Spring and Summer of 2010.  My ability to exercise has also been limited.  However, when I heard Albert Haynesworth, a man who makes millions of dollars to be an athlete, could not run 300 yards in 70s I wanted to join the multitude of others that have tried and succeeded. Haynesworth is about the same age as me just 7 inches taller and 130 lbs heavier than me.  Albert's carrying what usually amounts to me carrying a girl friend more than me.  I should be able to beat him.  I saw Mike Golic did it, why can't I?

The test is pretty simple. Perform six 25-yard shuttle runs (25 yards and back aka 50 yards) in 70 seconds or less. Take a three minute and 30 second break and repeat in 73 seconds or less.
I tried this morning.
I failed this morning.
Set 1 = 76 s
Set 2 = 79 s
I can think of a multitude of excuses but I am not going to use a single one.  Now I am bound and determined to be able to run as fast as 300+ lb freak of nature and maybe the Redskins will give me a multimillion dollar contract. 
I played college football. 
Give me a call, Mr. Snyder.