Anyone who loves balls-to-mouth jokes most surely knows the reason for the 'Stache pictured above is
Movember. Maybe you do not like balls-to-mouth jokes, but still know about Movember. For those of you who do not know and prefer my brief synopsis to actually clicking on the link, Movember, the Reason for the Season, is an international movement aimed at raising awareness and funds for prostate and testicular cancer. Movember is aimed at changing the face of men's health through the Movember Foundation in conjunction with the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I have been known to raise money for charity previously especially the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. I raised $5600 for the CCFA because my mom has suffered from the disease for over 20 years. Having both a prostate and multiple testicles I am even more invested in this particular cause. You can compare charity to a breakfast - bacon and eggs. For the CCFA, I was a chicken. I was involved. I layed an egg, a 13.1 mile; $5600 egg but I am not directly affected by the disease. For Movember I was the pig. I was the bacon. I was committed. I decided to be a big pig and grow a mustache. Some would say it was a decision I made a long-long time ago. 
Oink. Oink.
For those of you who not down with the 'Stache, my particular model is known as the Trucker or the Horse Shoe. Though unable to grow one of her own Karen Alloy does a thorough and entertaining job of describing the types of mustaches as well as bemoaning her inability to grow one of her own. She's also nice to look at. Needless to say so I will type it, I am a fan of hers on Facebook now. Thanks, Karen!
The most famous proponent of my chosen mustache model is Hulk Hogan. Like the Hulkster I was known to storm into work waving an American flag and patriotic music blaring during Movember.
Luckily, I also kept an extra shirt in my office for when I ripped it off upon arrival in my office. It wasn't me, it was the mustache. He even took on a life of his own. He actually earned a name - Cleo Possum - the same way porn stars earn their name - first pet + name of the street you grew up on. Cleo got to go on several adventures and took me with him. Him and I were spotted in New York City, Delaware, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama.
Cleo and I had our happy moments like here in Georgia.
And our less than happy moments.
Cleo brought some unique insight to the world, but he burnt brightly and quickly like a shooting star.
On December 1st Movember ended Cleo was gone, but he'll be fondly remembered. Together we helped raise awareness for prostate cancer and that's what truly mattered.
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