Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow! - The East Coast!

In case you missed it, it snowed a lot on the East Coast on Wednesday.  Considering A.) New York City is the 'Center of the Universe' and B.) the East Coast Media bias in the United States we at Pics of Me in Front of Stuff have to wonder how exactly you are reading this and not know about the snow?  Was your internet, cable, and phone on the fritz this week?  Did you know the Saints won the Super Bowl on Sunday and the Winter Olympics start today?  SERIOUSLY, HOW THE HELL DID YOU MISS THE SNOW?!?!?!?!
But I am just assuming you did not hear about the snow which is unfair.  You know what happens when you assume...
This picture is only tangentially relevant but it tickles my funny bone and it is one of the first hits from a Google image search of assume.  What really happens is 'You make an ASS out of U and ME!'  If you have read enough of this blog you should know Pics of Me in Front of Stuff yearns to be a member of the Center of Excellence for Making an Ass Out of Yourself.  There is no need for helping by making assumptions.  Therefore, I will just stop pontificating on assumptions and make Pics of Me in Front of Stuff an assume-free zone.
Back to the snow.
I can not stand being trapped inside by snow so I bundled up and went for a walk outside. Just looking out my back door was not enough. The picture below is outside Pics of Me in Front of Stuff Manor.
Doo, Doo, Doo, Looking out my back door.

There is no clear explanation for the need for people to take innumerable pictures of cars buried in snow.  Vehicles are a good reference for snow depth because almost everyone has seen a car before and consider the snow's relative height to that of the snow.  With the advent of digital photogaphy and facebook everyone can now share just how much snow they got with the world.  It's like making a blog where you take photos of yourself near landmarks of minimal interest to those in the rest of the world... Friends of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff all had multiple pictures of their snow covered vehicles and the weather forced me to look at every single one.  It may be surprising Pics of Me in Front of Stuff has any friends, but remember it's facebook.  Everyone has lots of friends in the imaginary world of social networking.  And almost all of mine live on the East Coast and all of them had cars buried in snow.
Even the Official Mom of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff got into the snow-buried car picture act.

That's the cars in the driveway of the Official Childhood Home of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff.
What drove me outside in such harsh weather?  I am not sure if it is the sound of feet crunching in the snow or the muffled serenity of being outside in the snow but a heavy snow makes me want to go outside.  Snow makes everything except for driving more pleasant.  Snow has a strong calming effect on people and tends to make them friendlier.  There is something great about snow that makes everything more beautiful and peaceful and I need to go outside and be a part of that.  Maybe I should take up cross-country skiing.  
Maybe this video can describe what I mean.
Maybe not.   My walk has been compared to a plod.  Try not to get seasick watching. 
What was rather surreal was I usually do not take tha route  for anything but running.  So normally I am in shorts and a t-shirt when traveling down that street.  While I was wearing Under Armour this time it was the cold gear not stuff that is usually covered in sweat.  Funny thing was, I was still sweating.  I had probably bundled up more than what was needed.  But who really wants to be cold anyway?  Certainly not me, but it was cold out there.
Coming back to the warm confines of the Pics of Me in Front of Stuff Manor made the walk in Wednesday's Winter Wonderland worth it.  However, the sooner spring comes the better.  Only about a week until pitchers and catchers report!!!


Candice said...

See, snow like that is wonderful. It's when you live in eastern Newfoundland and the slow is combined with ice pellets and raindrops the size of your head that the going gets rough. Get me the fuck out of here.

PoMiFoS said...

So Candice, are there a lot of drownings in the winter in Newfoundland due to giant rain drops? Remind me never to come visit in the winter.