Monday, January 17, 2011

Warrior Dash

Remember when it was warmer and neither the Snowpocalypse  nor the Snowmageddon has hit the northeast?  Before New Yorkers couldn't stop bitching about how their streets were not plowed?  Before I had to shovel out two feet of snow to park the PoMiFoS mobile?
Remember when it was warm enough to wait for a beer while covered in mud?
That's yours truly covered in mud post Warrior Dash in Quarryville, PA.  I am covered in a few pounds of mud, holding a post-race banana in one hand, and a free beer ticket in the other.  Read into it what you will, I just wanted my free beer.
The day started off a lot cleaner than it ended.  See at the beginning of the Dash I was totally mud-free.  
 Look at me go!
I have no idea what the girl with the pink wig was going for. 
She was not the only one in costume, though.  
The Official Mom of Pics of Me in Front of Stuff snapped this photo.
Thanks, Mom.  
Thankfully, she got these guys, too.  They're at least cool-looking.
So why what exactly was the Warrior Dash?  It was a 3.15 mile, approximately 5K, race over obstacles through woods and obviously through some mud.  The obstacles included climbing a rope, some big piles of sand, a cargo net, a balance beam, logs floating in disturbingly scum-free portion of a scummy pond, mud covered-hills, and the natural detritus found on a trail in rural Pennsylvania.  Those muddy hills were a bitch.  The piece de resistance were the Muddy Mayhem and the Fiery Finish.  If you were unaware the Warrior Dash was happening in Quarryville (aka you are Amish) you might have wondered why all the muddy English were walking along the road. 
This is normally where I would insert video of the Simpsons erecting a barn when they meant to erect an above-ground pool.  However, Fox, who was at least partially responsible for the NLCS and NFL not being on my TV for a few weeks, does not want to share the Simpsons either.  You suck, Fox.
Since Pics of Me in Front of Stuff is negotiating with Cablevision, here's a photo of muddy people walking up the road.
The current freezing temperature makes me yearn for the wonderful warm weather of the Midatlantic Warrior Dash.  Prior to waiting in line for the beer, I managed to negotiate the course and finished by jumping over the burning logs just prior to the finish line.
Look at that athleticism!
Look at that mud-covered (chocolate?) man-candy!
I hope it gets warm again soon!