Sunday, October 3, 2010

You have to be kidding me

I will never lie and claim to be above watching trashy TV.  I actually was present for a filming of the Jerry Springer show in Chicago.  I used to love watching the Real World/Road Rules Challenge for the sheer pageantry of stupidity that people who want to be famous put on.  Shit, I write a blog about my traveling 'exploits'.  Do I have room to be critical?  I loved watching the first season of The Jersey Shore.  The sheer ridiculousness of the Guidos or Bennies or Shoeys on that show simply made the first season irresistible.  However, stupidity can only hold my attention for so long and I can't claim to have seen a single episode of the 2nd season.
And then Snooki got a book deal.

I have to give credit where credit is due for finding this image.  Thanks to The Daily, The Official Pics of Me in Front of Stuff Source for memes.
You know what Snooki's book deal made me want to do...

And then it gave me hope. If someone as dumb as she appears to be can get a book deal almost anyone can. I know most of you, Dear Readers, all 5 of you do read books and probably would buy a copy of my book. Then again, the majority of my readers would probably expect them for free as Christmas gifts.  There's at least 3 guaranteed sales there, unfortunately they would all be to me! Regardless, there's hope for my memoirs!


Candice said...

That's the selling point though, she's such a dumb shithead everyone will wonder what she could possibly write about. My curiosity is piqued. Gross.