...picsofmefrontinstuff.blogspot.com being on the Upper West Side?
As my stepdad likes to say 'What's up wit dat?'

I never once remember hearing Jerry Seinfeld say that line, but as its my stepdad's impression of him, I'll allow it. Fortunately, Seinfeld fits neatly into this random rant as he lived and set his television show on the Upper West Side and the restaurant Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer frequented is there. I was there too recently, to visit Grant's Tomb which may or may not be more well knwon than
Seinfeld. Regardless of the TV shows relative popularity to a memorial to our 18th President, I found myself near the exterior of the restaurant seen in almost every episode of
Seinfeld. Called Monk's on the show but Tom's in real life, the eatery can be found near the corner of 112th and Broadway.
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Not long ago, you could find me in the same place.
What's up with that?!
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