Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ben Franklin's Grave Instead of a Cave

Even with my favorite football team performing dismally the afternoon before, I found myself in Philadelphia yet another morning awaiting a Melissa-inspired birthday. It was my 27th birthday, why wouldn't I expect a surprise? Never one to shy away from odd 'trips' initially viewed on the internet I found myself recalling a post on O.T.I.S. that described a unique monument in Fairmount Pak, Cave of Kelpius. Melissa never one to shy away from going on these random outtings with me drove. Unfortunately, the directions I obtained from Google Maps and/or O.T.I.S. proved if not inaccurate at least difficult to follow.

We never made it to the Cave of Kelpius. :-(

Never one to shy away from finding an alternate destination, Melissa drove me from Fairmount Park to 5th and Arch Street to complete another of my odd blog documented compulsions - visiting the graves of famous people as seen here and here. Rather than visit a founding father of football, I visited the grave of a real Founding Father - Ben Franklin.

Here's me pointing out a young B. Franklin calling his future corpse Food for Worms.

Everyone knows, Ben Franklin said 'A Penny is Saved is a Penny Earned'. However, many people seem to think throwing a penny onto Ben's grave is good luck, action done in disregard to Ben's imperative.

Here's me ignoring Ben's advice (as well as the Law of Gravity by hovering horizontally) not once, not twice, but three times. Hopefully, that gets me 3x as much luck which I can then distribute to my friends and family.