Friday, January 2, 2009

Yuengling Brewery - Pottsville, PA

A photograph of me next to a laboratory is nothing original. I have quite a few of them especially from my years in graduate school. I am a chemist and I usually spend most of my weekdays wearing safety glasses and a lab coat. However, this laboratory is not part of any research facility or pharmaceutical manufacturing site but rather the workplace of the brewmaster at Yuengling Brewery, the Oldest Brewery in the United States. Considering I could work in a laboratory with beer, maybe I could reconsider my current career path. Brewmaster Kyle...that certainly would impress my friends and family.
Founded in 1821, Yuengling Brewery has proudly produced beer as America's Oldest Continuous Brewery. Even during Prohibition, Yuengling continued to serve as a brewer of near beer and medicinal beer. That's right, medicinal beer! According to the American Medical Association, beer was prescribed by doctors as treatment for debility, dyspepsia, anaemia, convalescence and old age in general during Prohibition. Yuengling Porter was a therpeutic option due to its wholesomeness. Yuengling also produced dairy products and many children, including my stepdad (What's up with that?), often enjoyed their Yuengling Ice Cream until the early 1980s when the brand was discontinued due to the new food safety laws. The building in which the dairy products were produced still stands across the street from the original brewery.
Currently, Yuengling has 3 manufacturing facilities in Mill Creek, PA; Tampa, FL; and the original in Pottsville, PA. Tours are offered at all 3 facilities though the original brewery in downtown Pottsville serves as a Mecca of Beer, beckoning many towards a trip back in brewing time. Obviously, I was unable to resist the siren song emanating from the coal regions of eastern PA any longer even though I had grown up not far from the Yuengling Holy Land. And once again, I found myself with my faithful photographer, Melissa, roaming towards a locale to serve as a backdrop for my narcisstic need to be photographed. So on a sunny afternoon in December I found myself posing for yet another photograph for!

Holy crap, I look excited!